Purrrrr Design & tips in hiring a designer

When I first started selling Mooncups and Cloth pads back in 2004, my primary concern was to keep it cheap. I wanted an avenue that would cost me the least money, be (fairly) easy to update and let me open up an online store instantly.

That’s why Fem Choices was opened on V Store. Yes, it is really basic, can be slow to load and the backend of loading up products was a pain in the behind.

Finally, after 2+ years I’d had enough! Time to upgrade to a better site and one that’s says more about what the shop is all about.

Fem Choices was all about providing an eco-friendly choice for women – well, there’s so many ways that we ALL, female / male, can be eco-friendly, and hence Tiny Tapir was born.

I needed to find someone who ‘got’ that and someone with mad design skills who could come up with a store that would have me excited about spreading the word (rather than with the Fem Choices vstore which is kinda embarrassing to tell people about!).

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